SENSOSEAT has started a cooperation with Salvador Association. The aim of this cooperation is to study the need and demand of Wheelchair users deeply. In fact, We have developed a survey and provided it with the members of this association.

Salvador Association was founded by Salvador Mendes de Almeida in 2003. Mr. Almeida had an accident that forced him to use wheelchair for rest of his life. As a result, he created the Salvador Association. Moreover, its mission is to promoting the integration of people with physical disabilities into society and improving their quality of life.

The focus of their projects is threefold:


For this aim, they are encouraging research, sharing information and creating cooperation networks; 


Actually, this focus is performed with the promotion of quality of life, support for employment, inclusive events, adapted sport and more activities that encourage an active presence in society; and  

3. Awareness Raising 

To achieve this end, they are focusing on actions that raise awareness of respect for difference and equal opportunities as well as road prevention campaigns and raising awareness of compliance with the Accessibility Law.

As SENSOSEAT’s social mission is to help people using wheelchair to avoid pressure ulcer, we started a cooperation with Mr. Almeida’s association. For this end, They have passed our survey to their members and asked them to fill in the survey.

It is worth noting that the survey is still open and if you are a person using wheelchair, we would appreciate it if you take time and help us out.

Portuguese Survey:

English Version:



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